HERA Jeans Details with Artist Georgia Naughton

We are so excited to show you a little something we’ve been working on behind the scenes.
We spent a long time trying to decide whether the HERA jeans needed a classic patch on the back waistband. We went back and forth asking women whether the patch was something important to them and, of course, there were mixed opinions. In the end we decided that we really are lovers of the details and suckers for that vintage heritage vibe, so a patch needed to happen. Once that decision was made, it then had to happen in a way we truly imagined it: with an artist collab, and a HERA goddess babe.
Several months ago we connected with the amazing artist, Georgia Naughton. We were instantly attracted to her style and loved her focus on the female form. She was the perfect choice for creating our HERA patch artwork. We’ve loved working with Georgia and absolutely love the artwork she’s created for our HERA patch. Here it is in glorious colour.
We’ve gone for a non-leather papperette patch, made from wood pulp, because we want to keep our jeans beef free. It works so well with the art print and we are so happy with the finished results! The papperette is strong and will wash and wear well. Taking on a beautiful patina with time; similarly to leather, but vegan friendly!
We loved getting to know Georgia and thought you might too. Here are a few questions we asked her.
When did you know that you wanted to be an artist?
It’s never really anything that I consciously decided on, art is something that has been there my whole life. Art gives me so much fulfillment, inspiration, disappointment, anger, drive and company amongst many other things. I don’t enjoy anything else nearly as much and it is a form of self expression for me that I cannot exist without.
What drives you?
It’s so innate that I have no idea. It’s just a deep internal desire to create. Being surrounded by other creatives, looking at art, books, music, film and the human experience inspires me greatly.
Where did your love for art come from?
Why do people love the things they do? Who knows. Again I cannot say, it isn't and has never been a conscious decision. I just love how art in all its forms can move and connect with people, it's bringing something into the world that hasn't existed before.
What’s your creative process?
I am not sure, it’s different every time. I need some good music to listen to though and then I get in the flow. If that doesn't happen I leave things for a bit and come back to it.
What do you love most about what you do?
That I get to express something into tangible form that people connect with and it gives them pleasure. I love the freedom in what I do and that I’m surrounded and inspired everyday by the things I love most.
Tell us about your creative space?
Organised chaos of everything that you can make a mark with.
What are your favourite materials to work with?
I’m really enjoying oil paint at the moment and experimenting with different solvents and mediums to change the texture and transparency of the paint.
What has been inspiring your art recently?
The materials themselves. I have been experimenting a lot with different paint and just seeing what different marks make on different surfaces. And also photographer Nan Goldin and her beautifully intimate pictures.
Your subject is often the female form. What makes you want to paint her?
I connect with women because my experience is from the female perspective and is relevant to me expressing myself. I find women more pleasurable to paint, I find them so beautiful and also I’ve been surrounded by strong women my whole life, I want to celebrate them.
What are your thoughts on the body-positive movement in women’s fashion?
I think it’s great to see more inclusivity and representation of actual people. I hope that not only women but people of all genders, non-binary and abilities are able to accept themselves and be comfortable with who they are. We can be so hard on our bodies because of outside and internal pressure that we forget all the amazing things that they can do.
What helped inspire the HERA goddess artwork?
Reading and researching about Hera the goddess, old marble statues and the women who wear the Hera label.
What do you like to do on your day off?
See the people I love, eat food, drink wine and take care of myself.
What are you up to at the moment?
I am currently back at uni studying fine arts while still working for myself. It’s the best to be learning again in such an immersive environment with lots of other creatives. It’s very inspiring and I’m sure I will develop and change a lot from this experience.
If you've love reading about the process of developing our jeans make sure you have a look at this post and this post.