When I was little I dreamed of becoming a fashion designer. My mother was a seamstress and taught me how to sew, and sewing soon became my main creative outlet. I have always been fascinated by fashion as both a form of art and a means of personal expression, and so, after studying fashion at university, I moved into the bridal industry, where I was surrounded by intricacy, workmanship, and beauty.
After years of working with brides, I began to notice many were self-conscious about their bodies. It was common for women to fall between sizes, yet the process of having clothes altered to fit an individual body seemed to have a stigma attached, as if it meant there was something wrong. This is a feeling I have also had, many times. From here, an idea started to form.
During this time, my husband and son and I travelled a few times to Japan. Japan is renowned for creating the best quality denim in the world, but I always returned disappointed because nothing fit me, not with my fuller hips and smaller waist.

I started to do more research. I asked other women if they had the same problem. Did they hate jeans shopping as much as I did? Did they leave feeling deflated, like their bodies were somehow wrong? I wasn’t surprised to discover lots of women felt the same as I did. I was beginning to feel frustrated with the fashion industry and its failure to include women that didn’t fit their commercialised standards.
Enter HERA Denim. I’d like to say I thought up HERA Denim overnight, but it’s been years in the making. At present, HERA Denim offers a fit for women with shapes like mine—smaller waists and fuller hips. In time, with the development of new styles and cuts, our dream is to celebrate all shapes.
We want women to feel confident, body-positive, and beautiful. That is the ethos of HERA.