HERA Denim jeans worn on the beach coastal style classic blue faded jeans vintage style super high waist ribcage womens jeans

The Fit

“Listening to women is at the heart of HERA Denim. HERA women will forever be right beside us, guiding the growth of our brand and the cut of our jeans.”

HERA Denim jeans made for women with big bums and curves jeans for hourglass and pear shapes thick thighs and small waists jeans for living photos taken outside in geelong

HERA Denim is backed by research. Before we made our first pair of jeans, we surveyed a range of women to discover the most common problems they encounter when it comes to fit—and there were many!

Standard sizing is based on ratios and proportions that hardly ever equate to real bodies. Slim waists do not always mean narrow hips. Big bums do not always mean wide waists. Women are frustrated at floating between sizes, feeling as if their bodies are somehow wrong. These complaints are close to our founder Brianna’s heart as they were issues she encountered herself.

Right now, our jeans cater to women with small waists and big bums. Future HERA cuts will respond to other fit problems, and will be created with different body types in mind. 

From the beginning, HERA has been a dialogue. This is why want to continue to hear from women who are struggling with fit - so let’s have a conversation. Click the button below to complete our fit survey.

HERA Denim Freya jeans are your perfect ultra high waisted 70's style jeans. These vintage style jeans are made to love your small waist, big thigh and wide hips. Jeans suitable for tall women can also be styled with a cuff for shorter women.

Jeans fit for living.